Liquidity absorption from across the DeFi

Dear Strike community,
Hope all is well with you.

I am Alex Ramirez, Rango Business Development Specialist. Below Rango proposes how Strike’s cross-chain interoperability is empowered.

Rango is a bridge and DEX aggregator that routes to the highest final rate across +50 blockchains. With our bridge API, Strike will have seamless cross-chain interoperability which we believe is a must-have in the DeFi world. Rango provides a Basic/Multi-step API or widget. Multi-step API enables customization and a fee sharing model.

We propose that Strike integrate the Rango any-2-any swap API into its Dapp as Token Bridge to enable users to swap any token they want, from any network. Absorbing liquidity from all over the DeFi. It is notable that Rango API could be integrated in a way that Strike’s users directly bridge and then lend or borrow and then bridge, envisioning for a smooth user experience with Strike.

It is noteworthy that only safe and audited protocols are integrated into Rango, and 2.2 billion dollars have been swapped successfully. Rango does not charge any additional fees, just the networks’ native fees. Depending on the terms of our negotiation, Rango is ready to provide hands-on development as well as plan and manage a comprehensive marketing campaign.

Sincerely Yours,

where rango audited?

Hey there,

You can check them out below:

Also it is notable that our smart contracts are currently under second round of audit.